Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I want to write my research paper over my field of study, Sociology, and the different careers I can choose with that degree. There are a variety of different information sources I can use for my topic. Of course, books, articles, the internet, search engines are all good. What I am really interested in doing is finding different groups and people who are already in this field of study and or who have a degree in Sociology. I plan to ask people around campus, as well as different professors about the different career choices I have with a degree in Sociology.  I believe I will get most of my research done that way. The main discipline is Sociology  Of course, subjects as psychology come along with that topic. I want to minor in Anthropology, so I will be researching that as well. I also plan to ask students about this field of study as well and how it goes along with my major, Sociology.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you're doing research within your field of study, so that it's relevent to your life and you'll actually be interested in it! Asking professors, students within the field, and people with a degree in Sociology already should be a great source of info. I'm interested to see what careers are available with a Sociology degree, because I'm not sure what I want to major in and Sociology sounds pretty interesting.
